Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Oh, Maureen

Maybe it's a sign of my old-age, but I actually find Maureen Dowd insightful and amusing these days.  Her latest article in the NYT today hits right on point.  

John McCain has pulled even (or perhaps even ahead?!) in the polls largely due to the NFL copy-cat phenomenon.  By tacking to the right on issues which lay near and dear to the hearts of Evangelical voters, but still maintaining his rough and tumble image (see: You Little Jerk) McCain has given himself a fighting chance.  Therein, however, does not the genius exist.  The true brilliance is that John-Boy has begun his campaign in earnest where Hillary left off.  Many of McCain's attacks are simply continuations of the Clinton's campaign talking points.   Once again a man politically left for dead has risen.  And while pre-Labor Day polls are more important to talking heads on CNN than anything else, it appears as if the Obama campaign committed the unforgivable sin: agreeing to, and even propagating high expectations.  

Forgive the crass religious reference, but it appears that if Obama actually is "The One," the irrational expectations placed upon him may be his downfall. 

Good enough to guarantee the demise of a certain "One" two thousand years ago, good enough for the downfall of the false prophet today.

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