Friday, November 7, 2008

Bad Memories...

So at some point Lastings Milledge was the up and coming star of the Mets.  And then there was this whole ordeal about him and a possibly underage woman.  Subsequently cleared, he seemed to do everything he could to anger Mets veterans with his attitudes and antics.  

This year, hard feelings between Milledge and the Mets escalated.  

So, today, with credit to the Shyster, I see this.  And quite frankly, I don't know how I should feel.


If I called Barack Obama a mutt, I'd get into trouble.

This, at first, sounds cool.  Then I think of the acrimony and recriminations that would follow, and it's not so cool.

At the end of the day, this list is pretty dead-on.

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