Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A few good links...

A few good links...

John McCain hammers out a key economic speech, while Barack Obama feels mighty put out by the media.

Meanwhile, Jimmy Carter does everything but make out with a terrorist.

In other news, my usual forty minute commute to work today turned into a hour and forty minute ordeal despite the absence of any major accident on the 295N corridor. Gotta love drivnig in VA/DC/MD. This makes for a very cranky blogger.

The Red Sox were on ESPN again last night. This time viewers were treated to the fool that is Steve Philips, as well as a come-from-behind Red Sox victory that needs to remind the American League and the world, that until someone beats the Sox in October, you can take the moniker of "best team in baseball" from their cold, dead hands.

Coming later today, a Mets' fan vents about things that worry him in the new season.

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