Saturday, June 21, 2008

Beggars Can Be Choosers

I had a sandwich in my pocket because I was going to take it into the Nationals game. Since we have just gotten home from an expensive, unhealthy trip, I thought I would save some money and be a little healthier. It was a veggie burger on wheat with some lettuce, barbeque sauce, mustard, and horseradish.

I ended up turning back and not going to the game for various reasons. On the way home, a guy approached me.

“Hey man, hey man, hey bro. You got some change to help out a homeless, hungry guy?”

I took the sandwich out of my pocket. “I have a sandwich. Do you want a sandwich?” He had, after all, said he was hungry.

Interested but also a bit surprised, he peered at my sandwich. He must have seen the lettuce and made an assumption. “Um, is that vegetarian?”

“Yeah, it is. It’s good.”

“Nah, man. I’m not a vegetarian.” He pointed at the takeout joint across the street. “I’m trying to get some Chinese. You got some change for some Chinese food?”

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