Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sounds like sour grapes...

A list of ex-Mets who are currently performing well above expectations:

- Jeff Keppinger (IF), Cin. Reds traded to the Reds for the now Atlanta Brave Ruben Gotay.

- Heath Bell (RP), SD Pads, traded to the Pads along with Royce Ring (failed lefty reliever) for Jon Adkins and Ben Johnson.  Both of whom are......not on the Mets 25-man roster.

- Brian Bannister (SP), KC Royals, traded to the Royals straight-up for Ambiorix Burgos (currently recovering from a visit to Dr. James Andrews)

Ok, sure I know it's very, very early and all.  But you look at the Mets troubles right now, and all three of these guys would plug nicely into New Orleans (Triple A), if not the big league roster. 

Omar Minaya's "legacy" will be made or broke this year.  You can be sure that the Wilpon clan will not want a "rebuilding" project to be taking place when the Mets open up at Citi Field next year.  


Anonymous said...

I am no defender of Omar, as I think he makes a lot of stupid moves, but...

Ring (now a Brave) and Bell failed every time they had an opportunity in NY. Bell had more chances than Ring but never performed.

Bannister was a guy who had 1 decent season - albeit injured - in a lackluster minor league career. Burgos is a young fireballer, who just happened to be injured.

You forgot the classic Henry Owens and Matt Lindstrom for Jason Vargas trade. Two major league relievers for one minor league starter. Real genius Omar.

But don't discount his great moves - turning Kris Benson into Duque and Maine, Jae Seo for Duaner Sanchez, or getting Oliver Perez as a throw-in. This Ryan Church deal could be fantastic in the short term as well.


Unknown said...

I'm a fan of Brian Bannister because some geek named Mike Fast (a great PITCH F/x analyst) wrote a series of articles about him and Brian himself commented on them in a very articulate, non-athlete kind of way.

See it here.