Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Morning Links

I didn’t plan on posting anything this early today, but reading Tom Friedman makes me want to literally jump from my desk and get out there and start saving the world. I can’t, because I have a lunch to go to at 11:45 and I don’t think I can save the world and be back in time to leave for lunch, so instead I will just link to his article, as usual. It scares me a little how riled I get by reading him; I’m afraid that he could convince me of anything. His writing is so clear and thinking so logical. I’m glad that Tom and I disagree on global warming, or else I’d truly be worried that I am not just agreeing with him because we think similarly but because I am unable to disagree with him.

These guys also disagree with global warming as they are promoting Carbon Belch Day to “help Americans break free from the 'carbon footprint guilt' being imposed by Climate Alarmists.”

Friedman quotes a Memorial Day essay by Tom Shriver of the Washington Post, which you can find here. I will pass along the same quote for you to read if you decide you don’t have time to read any of the articles in their entirety:

This weekend only, you can buy a new Dodge and the company will subsidize your gas costs for 3 years. So Dodge wants to sell you a car you don’t really want to buy, that is not fuel efficient, will further damage our environment, and will further subsidize oil states, some of which are on the other side of the wars we’re currently fighting. And on top of it, Dodge is willing to subsidize your purchase with borrowed dollars since the company is currently drowning in debt.

Imagine that happening during the Civil War. Imagine that happening during World War I or II. Imagine celebrating Memorial Day in those days with such limited attention to honoring the dead that companies would get away with ignoring the fundamental struggle in which they’re giving their lives. The planet be damned, the troops be forgotten, the economy be ignored: buy a Dodge. Imagine.

More later, time permitting.

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