Thursday, May 1, 2008

Morning Links

"I recognize that the media is going to play this up again tomorrow, as they do every single year."

You're darn tootin' they will. Usually I'm against the media getting lazy/ier and drudging up old stories, especially when it feels like they're doing it just to be annoying, as they are with this story. However, I post the link because I had never heard the alternative explanation by the White House about the banner, and found it interesting. Regardless of whether the alternative explanation is accurate, it was still a horrible decision by whoever makes those decisions and someone should have said something. To create a loose analogy, someone said on a podcast I was listening to, about a movie's bad sound editing: "Even if you're the wardrobe director, not the sound editor, and you're watching the movie, and you notice that when the guy knocks on the door you don't hear the knock sound until he's done knocking, wouldn't you say something?" Was there no one who saw that banner and thought "Hmm, maybe this is a bad idea"?

It is great to see that we finally have some national unity on energy policy. Unfortunately, the unifying idea is so ridiculous, so unworthy of the people aspiring to lead our nation, it takes your breath away.

Again, an article that is written so crystal clearly and concisely that I feel like describing it too much would ruin it. Please read it. It's Friedman on the current state and possible near future of our national energy policy. I'm so glad he's off his book-writing sabbatical; that means he's writing articles again and, more importantly, the book is probably done.

From the "Throwing Jersey Matt Under the Bus" Department: Jersey Matt has some bold thoughts on Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and this is a formal, public request for him to put them to paper (or whatever) here, to which I will attempt to write a coherent response.

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