Friday, May 2, 2008

Via Email

From: Jersey Matt
To: Virginia Matt

OK Yankee fan, are you worried yet?

From: Virginia Matt
To: Jersey Matt

Again, yes and no. It would be easy to be worried given the abysmal team performance with RISP and the pitching. But you have to remember what happened last year. I'm not saying that having a poor April and May isn't going to hurt you, of course it is. However, we were worse last year at this point and came back, and that was after a hotter Boston start and no real significant Boston collapse (which is always a possibility). The other thing is the injuries. There are more this year, and more significant ones. This is also a "yes and no" event. Injuries are bad because they could be long term or linger (everyone is a year older, after all), but they also may be a legitimate reason for the early futility that may get turned around when (if) everyone gets healthy. So in short, yes I'm worried but no I'm not hopeless yet.

Also, I honestly have no problem with this turning into a true rebuilding year, which it in a small way already is. Kennedy and Hughes have obviously been taking their lumps, which is really hurting the team. But you know, thinking long term, that's what it takes. I hope they don't panic and go out and make some ridiculous signing, but instead stick to the plan. I'd be up for a veteran-for-veteran trade though (Giambi).

Last night at the Nats game someone (drunk) was yelling at Felipe Lopez for making an error on a true routine play. "FELIPE! I am PERSONALLY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU! HOW COULD YOU FLUB SUCH AN EASY BALL!" to which some guy in my row replied "Hey! He can't speak English!"

From: Jersey Matt
To: Virginia Matt

Can that entire email be posted?

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